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Mon-Fri: 9.00-17.00
Saturdays: By appointment only
Treatment of infertility
Innovative – New Focus Plus technology increases the sensitivity and accuracy of the test compared to other NIPT tests.
Safe – Non-invasive test that requires only a sample of the mother’s blood.
Reliable – Testing meets strict ISO, CE-IVD and EMQN standards
Comprehensive – NIPTIFY tests all major fetal chromosomal abnormalities, including microdeletions, and also determines the sex of the fetus.
Early and fast – The test can be performed as early as the 10th week of pregnancy and the results will be ready in 5-10 days.
What is NIPT? NIPT is a non-invasive prenatal test. NIPTIFY This is a genetic screening test for pregnant women that detects the most common fetal chromosomal abnormalities, microdeletions, and other incidental findings. The test is safe for mother and child because it is non-invasive - the test uses a sample of the mother's venous blood, in which extracellular free DNA (cfDNA) of the fetus is detected and analyzed. Free fetal DNA begins to appear in the mother's blood as early as the 7th week of pregnancy, but by the 10th week of pregnancy the amount is sufficient for the NIPTIFY test. NIPTIFY is intended for all singleton pregnancies – both natural and IVF, including in the case of a donor egg.
Why choose the "NIPTIFY" NIPT test?
NIPTIFY uses innovative Focus Plus DNA sequencing technology that amplifies and enriches fetal DNA. As a result, 3.6 times more free fetal DNA is available for the NIPTIFY test than for the conventional NIPTIFY test, significantly increasing the accuracy and sensitivity of the NIPTIFY test. The probability of repeating the test due to insufficient test material is close to zero. The NIPTIFY test is also suitable for overweight patients.
The sensitivity of the NIPTIFY Focus Plus test exceeds 99.9% for Trisomy 21, 18 and 13, monosomy X and DiGeorge microdeletion (22q11). The specificity of the test is higher than 99.9% for Trisomy 21 and 18 and DiGeorge microdeletion. When testing for monosomy X and trisomy 13, the specificity of the test is 99.2%.
The accuracy of NIPTIFY is significantly higher compared with combined first trimester screening. A study by the Tartu University Hospital Children's Foundation has proven that performing the NIPTIFY test on pregnant women helps prevent up to 91% of invasive prenatal examinations. Until now, the NIPTIFY test has detected the risk of fetal chromosomal abnormalities with 100% accuracy in all cases. The NIPTIFY test has been clinically tested and test results have been published in the scientific journals.
NIPTIFY is a CE-IVD marked in vitro diagnostic device. All stages of the NIPTIFY test are performed in an ISO 15189:2012 accredited medical laboratory with an M018 certificate. NIPTIFY regularly participates in the international external quality assessment program EMQN and has achieved the best results.
* Sensitivity for detection of DiGeorge microdeletion (22q11) is calculated based on a limited number of positive control samples. According to the scientific literature, the sensitivity of 22q11 microdeletion is 75–100%.
Why choose NIPTIFY for microdeletion detection?
Combined first trimester screening is unable to determine the risk of microdeletions. A DNA-based non-invasive prenatal assay (NIPT) can detect the risk of microdeletions only in the early stages of pregnancy. The NIPTIFY Focus Plus test can detect not only DiGeorge syndrome, but also seven additional microdeletion risks.
DiGeorge syndrome (22q11) is a relatively common disorder in the population (1:1100–1:1500) that causes congenital heart defects and mental retardation. This microdeletion is not associated with maternal age but develops spontaneously (de novo), so NIPTIFY testing is intended for all families to check the child's risk of the disease.
Who is recommended to take the NIPTIFY test?
Pregnant women over 35 years of age;
Pregnant women with prior history of pregnancies with trisomy or miscarriage.
Pregnant women with altered results of biochemical pregnancy tests or ultrasound;
Pregnant women with contraindications to invasive diagnostics;
Pregnancy as a result of IVF;
For every pregnant woman who wants to be confident in the health of her unborn baby;
The process of the NIPT test.
A sample of maternal venous blood is necessary for the test, which can be taken in the laboratory of our clinic, with prior arrangement with your doctor.
Then the samples are sent to the NIPTIFY laboratory in Estonia, where testing is carried out.
The results will be ready within 5-10 working days and are received by the person(s) indicated in testing request (doctor and/or patient). Test results are written in English.
Chromosomal abnormalities to be checked during the examination:
Down syndrome (Trisomy 21)
Di-George syndrome (22q11 microdeletion)
Edwards syndrome (Trisomy 18)
Turner syndrome (X monosomy)
Patau syndrome (Trisomy 13)
In addition, the NIPTIFY test also performs a full genome analysis, which can help identify other trisomies, monosomies, sex chromosome pathologies and small losses of DNA fragments - microdeletions. NIPTIFY classifies these abnormalities as “incidental findings” and INCLUDES these findings in the TEST RESULTS.
Microdeletion is the loss of a small fragment of DNA from the fetal genome, that changes the structure of human chromosomes and can cause severe chromosomal pathologies:
Microdeletions to be detected during the examination:
Williams-Beuren syndrome
1p36 deletion syndrome
Angelman and Prader-Willi syndrome
Wolfe-Hirschhorn syndrome
Cri-du-chat (cat's cry) syndrome
Jacobsen syndrome
Langer-Giedion syndrome
Anomalies of the sex chromosomes:
Klinefelter syndrome (XXY)
Jacobs syndrome XYY
Trisomy X syndrome (XXX)
The genome contains full fetal genetic information, which is stored in 23 pairs of chromosomes. Each pair is vital to fetal development and their changes can lead to significant health problems. For example:
Trisomy 16
Trisomy 22
Trisomy 8 and 9
Possible test results
Low risk
The risk of the fetus developing Down, Edwards, Patau, Turner or DiGeorge syndrome is very low, and no other chromosomal abnormalities have been identified. Since NIPTIFY is not a diagnostic test, false negatives or false positives are still possible. The NIPTIFY test cannot detect chromosomal mosaicism or rare monogenic diseases. It should be noted that low risk score for chromosomal disorders does not apply to other fetal developmental abnormalities detected on fetal ultrasound (eg, brain or heart abnormalities, spinal malformations, or developmental disorders).
High risk
The risk of the fetus developing Down syndrome, Edwards syndrome, Patau syndrome, Turner syndrome, DiGeorge syndrome, or other incidental findings is high. Incidental findings include any other chromosomal abnormalities, including sex chromosome changes, as well as microdeletions or an incorrect number of any other chromosomes. Since NIPTIFY is a screening test, pregnancy should not be terminated based on this result alone. To confirm the high risk of chromosomal disease, the attending physician or geneticist will decide on the need for additional studies, for example, amniocentesis.
Sex of the fetus
NIPTIFY determines the chromosomal sex of the fetus. If a Y chromosome is detected in the mother's blood, then the expected child is a boy; if there is no Y chromosome, the expected child is a girl. In rare cases (<0.2%), the chromosomal sex of the fetus cannot be determined. The reason for such cases may be the “disappearing twin” phenomenon.
Uninformative result
This test result means that the risk of chromosomal diseases cannot be determined, but it does not mean that the risk is high or low. Various external conditions can affect the quality of the blood sample, which in turn affects the progress and results of the test. In case of an uninformative result, the NIPTIFY laboratory conducts a repeat analysis - one repeat test is free. In rare cases, NIPTIFY Focus Plus cannot determine the risk of chromosomal disorders. This occurs in less than 0.1% of all repeat tests. The reason for such cases is considered to be a high standard deviation of the results or a low proportion of free fetal DNA. A low fetal free DNA fraction may be caused by a high maternal body mass index (BMI greater than 30), testing too early (before the 10th week of pregnancy), asymptomatic viral infections, or other biological and technical factors. As pregnancy progresses, the proportion of free fetal DNA increases, so in the case of a low fetal DNA fraction, we recommend a repeat test, which is free of charge for the patient.
Incidental finding
Incidental findings can have serious consequences for the health of the mother and fetus, as well as the function of the placenta for the remainder of pregnancy. Each incidental finding must be assessed individually. In rare cases, NIPTIFY may detect chromosomal abnormalities in the mother that may indicate a tumor There is a high probability that the detected incidental finding is located only in the placental tissue and the fetus is healthy - in such cases it only affects the course of pregnancy. For example, placental Trisomy 16 may be associated with impaired placental development, which can lead to fetal growth restriction. Such pregnancies should be closely monitored to minimize risks to maternal and fetal health. If trisomy 16 is confirmed by a diagnostic test (such as amniocentesis) in the fetus, the pregnancy will most likely end in miscarriage. If an incidental finding is detected in clinically relevant areas of microdeletion, it is recommended to confirm the result by performing an invasive diagnostic method - amniocentesis. Incidental findings include seven clinically significant microdeletions, sex chromosome aneuploidies, trisomies on other autosomes (except chromosomes 13, 18, and 21), monosomies on all autosomes, and partial DNA copy number changes (more than 30 million DNA base pairs) on 13, 18, 21 and X chromosomes.
NIPTIFY is an accurate DNA screening test for fetal chromosomal diseases that can be performed as early as the first trimester of pregnancy. NIPTIFY does not replace ultrasound screening, which can detect other fetal malformations and assess the risk of developing preeclampsia. NIPTIFY is also not a maternal blood screening test for the risk of preeclampsia.
In some cases, a false negative (NIPT test does not detect the risk of chromosomal diseases) or a false positive result (NIPT shows a high risk, but the fetus is healthy) is possible. False results can be caused by various factors such as placental mosaicism, maternal mosaicism, maternal chromosomal abnormalities, tumors or technical reasons. A low-risk test result does not exclude other fetal abnormalities detected by ultrasound screening. NIPTIFY does not detect fetal anomalies such as structural abnormalities of the brain or heart, spinal malformations, fetal growth restriction, etc. NIPTIFY cannot detect mosaicism, balanced translocations, and rare monogenic diseases. NIPTIFY is not suitable for multiple pregnancies or patients with malignancy during pregnancy. NIPTIFY is a screening test, so high-risk test results are recommended to be confirmed by amniotic fluid analysis.

Physical medicine and rehabilitation (PM&R) doctor
A Physical medicine and rehabilitation (PM&R) doctor provides consultations about functioning and quality of life and its improvement to patients of all age groups
Consultation of Physical medicine and rehabilitation (PM&R) doctorWhat happens during the PM&R doctor’s consultation?
The PM&R doctor assesses the patient's general state of health after illnesses, injuries, as well as their related functional limitations;
The PM&R doctor assesses the potential of medical rehabilitation;
The PM&R doctor draws up the patient's individual rehabilitation plan, as well as further monitors the course of rehabilitation and evaluates its results.
What is medical rehabilitation?
Rehabilitation is a set of interventions designed to help individuals with health disorders to interact with the surrounding environment - to optimize the functioning and activities of these individuals, as well as to reduce existing disability.
Simply put, rehabilitation helps a person of any age to become as independent as possible in daily activities and allows them to study, work, relax, and participate in other meaningful areas of life, such as taking care of their family. The rehabilitation plan is based on working with the patient and his family, solving the main health problems and symptoms with the help of physical medicine and other activities. Within the framework of the plan, the patient's environment is also modified so that it better meets his needs, the use of any necessary assistive products are applied, the patient is taught in self-management. In general, these strategies can help the patient to change his quality of life, his thinking and his attitude.
Anybody may need rehabilitation at some point in their lives, following an injury, surgery, disease or childbirth, or because their functioning has declined with age.
Rehabilitation plan.
The PM&R doctor draws up a treatment plan according to the patient's state of health.
During the consultation, the rehabilitator also issues reports on the patient's functional condition, incl. for VDEĀVK (State Medical Commission for the Assessment of Health Condition and Working Ability).
Postpartum rehabilitation.
The PM&R doctor draws up a treatment plan according to the patient's state of health.
During the consultation, the rehabilitator also issues reports on the patient's functional condition, incl. for VDEĀVK (State Medical Commission for the Assessment of Health Condition and Working Ability).
Vitamin complex
Now you can also buy vitamins in our clinics for good price!

Orthomol Immun Pro Nutrients for immunity and gut health
The nutritional supplement contains a combination of complete nutrients (vitamins and minerals) and plant-based active substances together with inulin and a carefully selected complex of lactic acid bacteria.
Triple effect:
Vitamin A, B2 (riboflavin), biotin and niacin help maintain mucosal health.
Vitamin C, D, zinc, selenium, copper, folic acid, vitamin A, B6 and B12 contribute to the normal functioning of the immune system.
Vitamin C, E, B2 (riboflavin), zinc, selenium, copper and manganese contribute to the protection of cells against oxidative stress.
Orthomol Natal pre – for the expectant mother

Orthomol Natal pre is a dietary supplement. It contains the omega-3 fatty acid DHS, vitamins B6 and B12, vitamins C, D and K, folic acid, calcium, iron, iodine, copper, magnesium, selenium and zinc, among other nutrients.
Contains essential nutrients during the pregnancy planning period.
Zinc contributes to normal fertility and reproduction.
Iron contributes to the normal formation of red blood cells and hemoglobin.
Zinc, vitamin D, B12 and folic acid participate in the process of cell division.
Vitamin B6, B12, vitamin D, folic acid and zinc contribute to the normal functioning of the immune system.
Vitamin B6, B12 and folic acid help reduce fatigue and weakness.

Orthomol Natal – for mother and child,for a woman before pregnancy, during pregnancy and breastfeeding
Food supplement with folic acid, promotes the formation of maternal tissue during pregnancy. With omega-3 fatty acid DHA and cultures of lactic acid bacteria, it has a beneficial effect on the mother's and child's immunity, reduces the risk of developing allergies in the child.
Pregnancy planning, pregnancy and breastfeeding
essential micronutrients during the period:
Zinc contributes to normal fertility and reproduction.
Maternal intake of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) contributes to normal fetal and infant brain and vision development. Note for pregnant and lactating mothers: the beneficial effect is achieved by taking a daily dose of 200 mg of DHA in addition to the recommended daily dose of omega-3 fatty acids for adults, i.e. 250 mg of DHA and EPA.
Folic acid helps build maternal tissue during pregnancy. Taking folic acid during pregnancy increases folate levels in the pregnant woman's body. Low folate levels during pregnancy are a risk factor for fetal neural tube defects. A beneficial effect is achieved with a daily intake of 400 μg of folic acid one month before pregnancy and during the first 3 months of pregnancy.
Iron contributes to the normal formation of red blood cells and hemoglobin.
Calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron, vitamin D, B12 and folic acid are involved in cell division.
Calcium is essential for maintaining bone health.
Vitamin D helps maintain normal blood calcium levels.
Iodine and selenium contribute to normal thyroid function.
Orthomol Femin – for well-being during changes,Essential nutrients for skin, hair and nails

Nutritional supplement for menopausal women. Contains biotin, which helps maintain healthy skin and nails, and selenium, which helps maintain healthy hair. Contains soy isoflavones, linseed lignans, fatty acids and coenzyme Q10.
Nutrients before and after menopause:
Vitamin B6 contributes to the regulation of hormone activity.
Biotin, selenium and zinc help maintain hair health.
Biotin and zinc help maintain skin health.
Selenium and zinc help maintain healthy nails.
Vitamin C contributes to the normal production of collagen, which is necessary for normal skin and bone function.
Vitamin D and zinc help maintain bone health.

Purisim collagen peptides with orange flavor
For the skin
For hair and nails
For heart function
For the bones
Food supplement with sweetener.
Bovine collagen
7 main vitamins: C, E, B1, B2, B6, B9, D3
Dose for 30 days – 13 g per day.
Net quantity: 390 g (about 30 days' worth in the package).
Recommended daily dose: 13 g – 1 measuring spoon (included in the package).
Instructions for use: the recommended daily dose - mix 13 g of powder (1 measuring spoon) with 200-300 ml of water, mix and drink. Not intended for use by children, pregnant and lactating women. The product can be used for a long time. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. It is important to follow a healthy lifestyle and eat a nutritious and balanced diet. Do not use a nutritional supplement to replace a full and balanced diet.
Storage conditions: store at room temperature, in a dry, cool place and out of the reach of children.
Our colleagues from the Children's Clinical University Hospital recommend:
Newborn handling
Holding and rocking the baby
Baby handling after 3 months of age